Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Social Retardation

30 June 2004


The stupidity (my strongest epithet) of post-breakup behaviors. Is it really impossible to remain friends? I suspect it's largely cultural. I also suspect folks with different temperaments feel differently about it. And it's probably tied to the many different ways people feel about sex and its emotional significance or insignificance. And that's where my social / sexual / emotional retardation comes in.

The stupidity of generalizing. Such as, "Because I do or feel this, everyone must." We're not all alike. Or, rather, we're not all that alike.

The true loneliness of the socially retarded is our cruel treatment by others: dropped when they pair off, etc. The tyranny of coupledon: If you're not coupled, you're spurned by couples. All the teenage emphasis on coupling. All the effort society puts into social training of kids on coupling. There's no time or thought or training for the rest of us, the singles, the late-bloomers, esp. the late-blooming gays, esp. the socially retarded late-blooming gays. They (we!) need help. Need training. Need warning! How can I reach them to warn them? The others need to learn how cruel this is!

I think there's a need for a Guide for the Socially Perplexed ( / Challenged / Retarded). Or a movie? (Where are those?) Or TV? (Did Friends really tackle friendship?) Or even just T-shirts and slogans. Or a magazine column? Or a blog?! (My next career!) After all, socially retarded means slow, not hopeless. We're still trainable.

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